The homepage of the research team of the University of Science and Technology of China is a platform for the school's research and teaching teams to provide team presentations and external publicity. The platform columns include team list, team search and other content.

The research team homepage platform provides a unified, convenient and personalized research team homepage maintenance and management function for all faculty and staff in the school. Faculty and staff can apply through the online service hall to log in, manage, and publish their team homepages through unified identity authentication. The team homepage is the electronic business card of the team.

Based on the template provided by the team's homepage platform, through "guided operation", team-related managers can easily and quickly establish, manage and publish their team webpage styles, set team introductions, scientific research results, scientific research projects, award-winning information, team members, and news , Academic activities, exchanges and cooperation, etc. The data of the papers, patents, and works involved in the columns are automatically aggregated through the public data platform, which can maximize the efficiency of website construction and content management.

For details, please refer to the "My Homepage" of the team homepage management platform, and click the help button at the top right of the platform to download and use the help document. If you need to maintain the data, the team leader needs to log in to the system and modify it.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions during use, please contact the network information center so that we can improve and perfect it in time.

Contact information:

Tel: 63603498


Team Homepage User Guide: Scientific Research Team Homepage Platform Operation Guide.docx